
We are very proud to showcase a choice of special experiences organized by our Italian partners.

We tried to group them under 6 different thematics to make the research easier. We recommend anyway to explore all these experiences because they carry something special and distinctive of the region and areas where they take place. Such experiences can be booked through us.


For lovers of outdoor sports or total relaxation, our experiences are a hymn to nature, in the open air and without stress in full freedom, descending into the setting of special places, often rare and not attacked by the mass


Italy is made up of countless romantic corners. We have chosen some of them to be combined with fairy-tale experiences to celebrate unique moments, which will remain impressed forever. A pinch of creativity and immense beauty are the signature of our proposals


Coming back from a trip with a few gifts or with a unique purchase, will revive beautiful feelings. We chose the Italian craftsmanship and the strong style of Made in Italy that characterize the quality of Italian manufacturing in the original places of production. Shopping by the author!


The wealth of Italian history is expressed in the numerous works of art and in the priceless monuments in the country. For every city, province and region there is an ancient tradition. Try the great value of these experiences and immerse yourself in history


The expression of the Italian culinary art stands out for its simplicity, the vast diversity at a regional level, its abundance in taste, condiments and ingredients. Italians combine with mastery and serenity for a healthy Mediterranean diet recognized as intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO. You can never spare a sip of wine, craft beer, grappa or Italian spirit


Your Italian guest will proudly welcome you. Treasure walls that tell stories, windows wide open to the world, terraces with unparalleled views, rooms with fascinating details. You will discover the truest Italy and you will be welcomed by passionate owners who will open the doors to make you feel at home, tell you their story and share with you the secrets of their territory

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