Torre del Nera Albergo Diffuso & Spa

Torre del Nera Albergo Diffuso & Spa in Umbria

Torre del Nera Albergo diffuso & Spa is in Umbria, central Italy. It is the result of a broad vision of an Italian entrepreneur who was able to recover the ancient village of Scheggino in the Valnerina in a dimension of contemporary eco-sustainable hospitality, strongly authentic, that welcomes travelers ideally oriented to a holiday in harmony with nature and the ancient walls of a rural village. Imagine then 16 independent “houses”, each with the name of the original inhabitants of the village of Scheggino and the family coat of arms, high ceilings covered with wooden beams, rooms once inhabited by ladies and knights. In addition to these there are also 12 independent rooms, all panoramic and different, enriched by details of traditional furniture.

And this is the true essence of the Italian Albergo Diffuso: «a hotel accommodation company located in a village, formed by several houses, existing and close to each other, with unitary management and able to provide hotel services to all guests». The right balance between a hotel and a house. It includes regular hotel services such as room service, a restaurant, and for Torre del Nera also a gorgeous Spa inside the medieval fortress.

What a great idea to revitalize a medieval hamlet with historical center of great architectural and historic heritage, and elevate old neglected buildings readapting them to host tourists and at the same time reducing new construction initiatives ! This innovative Italian concept of “dispersed hotel” or  “scattered hotel” put guests as part of local life in a genuine community. To the holiday is added the value of authenticity and Italian style.

We are in the province of Perugia, a stone’s throw from Spoleto, Assisi, and the Marmore Waterfall.

Here you can find the slowness of time and the breath of open spaces. Pampered by the picturesque natural landscape, artistic and spiritual treasures, along with the culinary excellence of tradition.

Well, this is the right place – for the nature of the hotel itself – able to guarantee the natural distance.

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